The San Diego Chicken
"The Grand Hatching June 29, 1979"

I sent a request to Ted Giannoulas asking him to tell the story on a baseball about his favorite memory of playing The San Diego Chicken and this is what I got:

"The Grand Hatching June 20, 1979:  Fired by my radio employers, I made a comback in a new costume.  With a SRO crowd at The Murph, I entered atop an armored truck in a 10 ft styrofoam eggshell and a police escort."
"The Padre team lowered the egg onto the diamond as the '2001' theme played.  Then I burst out to an emotional standing ovation, swamped by photographers and reporters."
"Padre players even carried me upon their shoulders like a World Series hero."
"It was a triumphant moment.  I was back- and have been playing chicken ever since."

This has to be the best penmanship I have ever seen on a baseball!  And, it is one of my most favorite Story Balls in the collection too!
For more information on The San Diego Chicken, check here.